
Frequently Asked Questions

ANSWER: Life purpose is about doing what you are really meant to with your life. The 2016 National Salary Survey by the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) found that a staggering 4 out of 5 Australians are unhappy at work. In other words, 80% of us HATE our work! 81.9% leave their current role in search of new challenges. More than half leave due to limited career opportunities.

According to analysis from 25,000 employees across Australia 44.4% leave because they are looking for better financial rewards. For an employer, this equates to an average $26,410 to find a replacement!

We are paying a huge price for not enjoying our labour!

What if we all were in roles that were not only financially rewarding but fulfilling?

How much happier would our spouses/partners, and children be rather dealing with a frustrated family member?

How much better would our communities be?

How much more profitable and influential would our businesses be if our entrepreneurs, and staff, we’re working for a cause greater than themselves?

How much more productive would our nation be if our work force was 80% more fulfilled in their life purpose rather than down right miserable. We’d have other nations around the world wondering what we’ve done differently.

This is our vision…

Seeing you step into your life purpose, armed with the education to fund it using techniques the wealthy use.

We’ve had people from all walks of life do our courses. Miners, students, teachers, doctors, traders, IT professionals, business owners, retirees and the common compliment we get is the courses are in plain simple easy to understand language.

A prominent lawyer and accountant once said to our founder Derek Whitaker, “You have a unique gift to take a very complex concept and explain it in very simple language.”

We take the approach where we assume this is a new concept to the student.

That really depends on which course you do. They’re each designed to give our students the right time frame, that will give them every opportunity to learn at their pace. Some are designed for students to do online in their own time, others are live via webinars. Some can be done in just a few minutes each day. Our longest runs for 12 months.

Where we are different is we don’t just bombard our students over a 3-day weekend with a tonne of information, expect them to retain it all, and piece it together by themselves afterwards. We place them in an environment where they are with like-minded people, learning new concepts over an extended period, and testing these different strategies as they go.

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